
Forest Genetics Council of BC – Terms of Reference – May 12, 2022

Industry Rep Guidelines for FGC Membership – Jan 16 2023

Governance of FGC, BC Forest Genetics Society and Select Seed Co. Ltd – 2019

FGC is supported by three TACs: Genetic Conservation TAC (GCTAC), Coastal TAC (CTAC), and Interior TAC (ITAC). GCTAC develops conservation strategies, and identifies priorities and budgets for the Conservation Program, including in situ and ex situ activities. It reviews updates to the forest genetic conservation catalogue maintained by UBC’s Centre for Forest Conservation Genetics.

CTAC and ITAC review and advise the Ministry on its proposed activities and budgets for tree breeding and resilience program activities, including progeny and provenance field testing. Several CTAC and ITAC members also contribute to the Operational Tree Improvement Program (OTIP), a call-for-proposal-based program that increases the quantity and quality of select seed used for Crownland reforestation.

The CTAC and ITAC chairs are appointed by the Chief Forester and serve on Council. FGC appoints the GTAC chair directly. TAC chairs are responsible for appointing TAC members and seeking balanced representation from relevant agencies.

See FGC Terms of Reference for further information.

Enhancing the conservation, adaptation, health and productivity of BC’s Forests ©2020 Forest Genetics Council of BC