BC Seed Orchard Association (BCSOA)

The BC Seed Orchard Association (BCSOA) is a group of tree seed orchardists interested in the exchange of technical, operational, research and development information to promote good seed orchard management. The purpose has remained constant since the 1980’s, but the actual name, scope of meetings in BC, and frequency has changed over time. The main function of the group is to host a meeting every two years which alternates between coastal and interior locations. The organizational committee changes each meeting and is primarily composed of those preparing the local arrangements (i.e. facilities, program, tours) for the next meeting. The group has often had joint meetings with the Northwest Seed Orchard Managers Association (NWSOMA) and attendance from other jurisdictions is encouraged. This is a highly specialized area and it is important that there is a forum for the exchange of local initiatives and discussion of common problems.

Upcoming Meetings

Quesnel and Prince George – Summer 2026

Past Meetings

June 18-19, 2024 – Mary Winspear Centre, Sidney, BC  – Program

June 28-29, 2022 – Vance Creek Conference Centre, Vernon, BC –  Schedule

June 16, 2021 – Virtual Conference – Schedule

Enhancing the conservation, adaptation, health and productivity of BC’s Forests ©2020 Forest Genetics Council of BC