Technical Publications and Reports
Economic gain of genetically-selected coastal Douglas-fir: Timber, log and carbon value at varying planting densities
M. Isaac-Renton, B. Moore, J. Degner, C. Bealle Statland, B. Bogdanski, L. Sun, and M. Stoehr. Forest Policy and Economics 171 (2025) 103397.
Economic evaluations of tree improvement for planted forests. Chang et al. 2019
This paper reviews the literature on the economic evaluations of tree improvement for planted forests and
investigates whether or not using improved reforestation stock from tree improvement programs is a good
investment. -
Conventional versus genomic selection for white spruce improvement: a comparison of costs and benefits of plantations on Quebec public lands.
Vincent Chamberland, François Robichaud, Martin Perron, Nancy Gélinas, Jean Bousquet, and Jean Beaulieu. Tree Genetics & Genomes (2020) 16:17
2016 | Climate-Based Seed Transfer - Guiding British Columbia's reforestation investments in a changing climate
Jack Woods and Colin Mahony
2015 | Impact of Matador on lodgepole pine filled seed production in southern interior BC seed orchards 2014 trial
Jack Woods, Ward Strong, Michael Carlson. April 16, 2015
2015 | Impact of Matador and Delegate on lodgepole pine filled seed production in southern interior BC seed orchards 2015 trial
Jack Woods, Ward Strong, Michael Carlson. April 16, 2015
2015 | Evaluation of methods to estimate parental contributions for the calculation of genetic worth and effective population size for lodgepole pine seed orchards
Jack Woods. April 20, 2015
2013 | Limber Pine in British Columbia
April 2013 - Don Pigott / Randy Moody
2013 | Forest Health Silvicultural Options for the Endangered Whitebark Pine
Michael P. Murray and Jodie Krakowski
2013 | Assisted Migration Bulletin
Forest Genetics Council of BC / Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Tree Improvement Branch, Issue 2 January 2013
2011 | Assessment of Off-Site Tree Plantations in the Northwest Interior of British Columbia
Forest Genetics Council of BC (Genecology and Seed Transfer Program)
2010 | Report on 2010 Crop Statistics for Interior Lodgepole Pine Seed Orchards
Final Report OTIP 0722. Prepared for Michael Carlson by Joe Webber
2010 | Cone induction and hormone metabolomics of lodgepole pine and Douglas-fir
May 2006 – March 2010 - Patrick von Aderkas (Pl), Lisheng Kong, Suzanne Abrams, Irina Zaharia, Stacey Owens
2008 | Whitebark Pine Bulletin
Contact: Lee Charleson and Elizabeth Campbell, Issue 01, July
- 2007 | Plant Growth Regulators and Cone Induction in Pinaceae
- 2006 | Summary of Seed and Seed Orchard Need Analysis for Seed Planning Units Impacted by Mountain Pine Beetle
2002 | Cataloguing in situ protection of genetic resources for major commercial forest trees in British Columbia
A. Hamanna, S. N. Aitken, A. D. Yanchuk
2000 | Southeastern U.S. Tree Improvement Tour
J. Woods