
There are 43 native tree species found in BC; the majority of which are well protected in parks and reserves. Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) is the only federal-listed tree species at risk due to blister-rust, mountain pine beetle and climate change.

FGC’s goal is to adequately maintain the genetic diversity of BC’s indigenous tree species. Conservation status for each species is determined by estimating the number and size of representative populations found within protected areas for each biogeoclimatic zone. Genetic conservation activities include genecology research, and collecting and storing seed at the Provincial Tree Seed Centre.

See the conservation status for each tree species.

For more information see Genetic Conservation TAC

Conservation Panel Photo: Clark’s Nuthatch and whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis), a species at risk, taken near Mt. Edith Cavell in Jasper National Park by Carmen Wong, 2007.

Enhancing the conservation, adaptation, health and productivity of BC’s Forests ©2020 Forest Genetics Council of BC